Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Swedish 101

For the past three weeks (with a couple of intermissions for Midwestern travel), my parents have been in town. It was the first person-to-person introduction to grandchild #1. Goes without saying that there's been round-the-clock doting! They left this morning so the withdrawal has probably been setting in since the plane change in Chicago.

Now, to the Swedish part:
Father = Far
Mother = Mor

So, to create grandparent titles, just combine the two as needed. I.e. pictured here in their favorite poses are Farfar and Farmor. Morfar has been here on several occasions to supervise his developments. Mormor watches over him every day.

It can be taken one more step by adding on a possessive 's': Farmorsfar is the person for whom M received his middle name.

If the alphabet soup gets too convoluted we can introduce one more word: Old = Gammal

Putting that in front of the title skips a generation but it also makes the expression less precise and requires context (e.g. Gammelmorfar could be Hilmer and it could also be Ericka's mother's father: Lee). The same convention also applies to aunts and uncles. That'll be 102.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trevligt att farföräldrarna tittat förbi. De var säkert mäkta stolta över sitt barnbarn. Det verkar gå som smort med Mathias utveckling och han verkar vara en glad liten prick.
Här i lilla Ålberga är allt bra. Fast hösten kommer med stormsteg och det börjar bli mörkt om kvällarna. Ha't bra.

Sofia + alla i Ålberga

September 09, 2006 12:35 PM  

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