In the spirit of pre-maturity we celebrated Mathias's birthday Sunday afternoon.
Grandpa Charlie was in town for the occasion.
And a big group of his friends came over to celebrate.
M also sampled his first piece of cake (and thereby his first sweet of any kind).
It was chocolate to boot!
In spite of all the commotion (and a daylight savings time adjustment to top it all off) M held up quite well. In fact the only tears that were shed that day were from Deanne when M bit her nose. The word on the street is that she had it coming...
Thanks to everyone who stopped by! Mathias would love to hear from you. Please feel free to send him a birthday greeting via the comments. We'll be sure to read them to him!
Ett stort grattis på din 1-årsdag
från farmor och farfar
Grattis grattis till världens goaste ettåring!
Massor av grattiskramar från faster Anna och farbror Tommy
Hipp hipp hurraaaaaa, för Mathias idag!!!!
Massor av grattis till den sötaste 1-åringen "over there"!
Kramar i mängder från Jessica & Co
GRATTIS på 1-årsdagen!
Må lycka och välgång följa dig genom livet.
Kramar från Bettan
Grattis Mathias på din ettårsdag! ´Vilken fin "djungel" tårta den ska vi visa för våran gammelmorbror som är bagare.
Kramar ifrån dina kompisar i Rättvik Isa och Alice
(mamma och pappa hälsar)
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