25 Weeks
It seems a lifetime ago that Ericka was hospitalized. She was 25 weeks pregnant and had gone into pre-term labor. As a way to provide updates this blog was created - hence the name "Erickaupdates". After six days of resistance Mathias arrived and nothing has been the same since.
Well... this time around things are much more uneventful! At 25 weeks there are no signs of anything going awry!
We could perhaps paraphrase Jesse Ventura in The Predator when he said 'I ain't got time to bleed'. After all, who has time for pre-term labor with a 2-year old running around the house! Of course, the same could be said about the arrival of a new baby in general. We're not quite sure how we'll manage but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
Äntligen fick man se den fina magen :)!
Så härligt att allt verkar gå lugnare till den här gången!
Happy Father's Day Patrik! It has been an absolute joy watching you be such a wonderful father to Mathias. Thank you for creating this blog, which will forever capture many of our family moments over the years. Love you! Ericka
Looking good! I'm so excited for all of you. Beth
Looking Good! I'm so happy for all of you! Beth
Mysig mage! Hoppas att ni får en härlig sommar, hela familjen, och att Erica får må bra under hela graviditeten.
Vi håller tummarna och väntar med späning på resultatet.
Agneta, Jonas, Rasmus och Pontus
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