Monday, September 22, 2008

Out & about

New Zealand's greatest contribution to man-kind might just be their strollers!  Well.. perhaps that and bungee jumping!

What is a couple of frequent walkers to do when a second child arrives and the first one is not yet ready to ride a bike (even with training wheels)?   

Well... as it turns out: just bolt on a second seat!

With the new setup, M is up higher than before and gets a better view of the neighbor-hood.

Johan has a flat bed on which he mostly sleeps when out side.

I really don't have an explanation to why Mathias insisted on bringing his blanket on what was a very nice and warm day...


Blogger Mamma J said...

My sister has a similar one - and they are really smart!!

People often asked her where the baby was (left home with dad or?) since they didn´t know that there was a place for him UNDER big brother.

Since I have had the experience on having a twin stroller - we didn´t have so much choice - I really envy you all that can move around with a single-sized one, instead of a giant one :).

September 23, 2008 2:02 PM  

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