What a day to turn one year old!
For all these years - I hadn't noticed up until now - that my birthdays all fell on dates that completely lacked symmetry! Should I really have celebrated?!
Nevermind. Johan turned one today! Congratulations!
Grandma and Grandpa were here last week and left yesterday. But we had an early start to the celebration with a cake Farmor made. When Johan was done with his piece it seems most of it was either on the floor, on his hands, or on his face... But you can't go wrong with whipped cream!
Men hjälp?! Är det redan ett helt år sedan han kom?!
Ja, de säger ju att tiden går fort när man fått barn. Det måste vara för att jag har TRE barn som jag inte hinner med ett enda dugg - antar jag...
Vi säger HIPP HIPP HURRAAAAA för Johan i efterskott!
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