Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ever forward!

Trying to keep up with a pair of always-in-motion boys is an fast moving journey. Activities blend into other activities as dinner-time moves into bath-time which goes directly into story-time which slides right into bed-time... And in a few short hours the carousel starts again with breakfast! If you don't pay attention days come and go - as do the months and the seasons. Before you know it another year is over and all you have to show for it is the memories you made along the way.
From time to time we make an effort to stop, stand back, and admire where we are and how far we have traveled together. 1652 days have come and gone since Mathias' humble beginning. It is a good milestone for reflecting on how much our children mean in our lives. It is also the grim milestone that meters out the life span of the great-uncle that the boys will never meet.
Before having children it is hard to envision that a person can establish such a presence, in such a short time, that when he is gone he leaves a void large enough to gobble up the very lives of the people around him. Now, having children, it is the type of things we never - ever - think about.
Here's to Tomas!


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