4 years today
It's election season (shouldn't surprise anyone) and Reagan's question "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" gets banted around a lot.
This morning we celebrated Johan's fourth birthday and he got to open his gifts. One of the favorite things he received was an umbrella from Aunt B (with a keen finger on the pulse of what's popular, it had Toy Story characters on it). Johan was sad that there was no rain in today's forecast. But we brought out the water sprinkler and it got a test drive. It seems when brother holds the water sprinkler and sprays you with it directly, the umbrella was a bit small. When the rain comes from above it should be just fine though. Both boys came into the house completely soaked after the equipment testing...
Reflecting on the night four years ago and fast forwarding to today... Are we better off than we were four years ago? Yes, we are.
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