Thursday, March 14, 2013


We'll file this under things that are just mind boggling and hard to believe... but Mathias turned seven today!  Wow!  Where did those 2,557 days go?!
For falling on a weekday, he had a terrific birthday.  The day opened with being greeted by Farmor and Farfar over the phone. Although he becomes very shy with a phone in his hand so the conversation didn't go very far.
When he had his breakfast his brother gave him his presents - an Angry Birds waste basket for his desk and a matching pillow for his bed. If you didn't already know it; Angry Birds is a huge hit with the Kindergarten set and the merchandising is getting out of control...
In the afternoon Ericka and Johan visited Mathias' Kindergarten class and had cup cakes. Mathias was quite proud to introduce his brother to his classmates.
We had requested-by-the-birthday-boy pizza for dinner and he opened the rest of his presents. I think Johan felt a tinge of jealousy but he handled it well. It helped that Mathias let him help open packages.
Thanks to all who remembered him on his big day!


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