Sunday, March 12, 2006


We were at good spirits all day as things were quite uneventful - uneventful is good!

In the evening the 'usual' test came back. It was positive this time. Not exactly the news we were looking for. So what happens now? Not being a medical person, here's my understanding...

She is now being treated as if she has a ruptured amniotic membrane (although the test was less positive than it could have been...). That means the meds that were put in place to stop the contractions will be discontinued tomorrow AM at 0600. Those can supposedly only be used in the contractions are happening "on their own". In the context of a ruptured membrane they are inappropriate. The meds will go off and we'll hold our breath waiting for the contractions not to come back.

The forecast right now is that she'll be at A until the delivery. And the docs will try to stall as long as they can. A new ultrasound to check fluid levels is scheduled for tomorrow am as well. Monday marks 26 weeks. We're counting down to 28 weeks. Beyond that, presumably, the medical folks don't really raise any eyebrows.



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