Monday, July 10, 2006

A month at home!

The memories of all those days spent at Children's are rapidly fading! We decided relive the olden days by stopping in to say hello to some of our regulars on Saturday. As luck would have it, both our primary nurses in the ICU and ICC were working that day (maybe not so lucky for them since it was a gorgeous day in the Twin Cities). It was very nice to stop in but we decided we prefer it at home.

Right next to Children's is the Swedish American Institute where the afternoon story time revolved around the adventures of the Mumin Trolls. Mathias did not stay awake for it. But we enjoyed it.

While in south Minneapolis we made a visit to the delightful Wild Rumpus book store - it is absolutely worth a stop. Well... Mathias spent the whole visit sleeping in his car seat.

To round off the afternoon, Sebastian Joe's ice cream happens to be right next door - that's a destination worthy of its own trip!

In all, we had a terrific mini-vacation. It seems like we could get ready to board a plane soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

time for a road trip tim

July 11, 2006 7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Wild Rumpus. I take out of town adults there...even if we don't have kids with us!

For those non-Minnesotans, that area of town, Linden Hills, is where they filmed that terrible Swartzenegger Christmas movie...I can't even remember the name, but it showcased that pretty neighborhood.


July 12, 2006 9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mathias seems to have life well figured out: hang around parks, bookshops, good restaurants, and sleep a lot. Smart boy. The photos are adorable!

July 13, 2006 11:15 AM  

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