Thursday, September 14, 2006


Recall a long time ago. Someone asked you how old you were. Half the time the number would be an integer. The other half of the time it would be an integer followed by 'and a half'. After all, we need to get the facts right. If you're a full six and a half there is no reason to misrepresent yourself as some mere six-year-old! When you turned six was eons ago. You let go of your childish ways of that era and grown considerably.
Newsflash for you: those were the good old days!

Today, if I get the same question I have to actually think about it. It goes something like: what year is it now?... 06... I was born in 71... Subtract 71 from 06... does anyone have a calculator? borrow one from the two... move it over to the right.. carry one digit and omigosh! I must be 35! If you're in the spot where you get to round DOWN by a half a year that's just icing on an otherwise bitter cake.
Then: time was endless.
Now: you can't turn around without another year slipping through your fingers.

Now, to the point!
As of today, M is officially zero and a half! Yessireebob, six big ones. Our neighbors came over to celebrate with some delicious Princess Torte!

Ren & Stimpy said it best: Happy Happy Joy Joy!
We did, however, apply the cruel rule: no teeth no cake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mathias!!! Wow, time moves fast! You are so cute and handsome!
Today Lucas and I went to the train to say goodbye to Mathias (Niclas prefered to be with grandmother Birgit). Tomorrow M will go to the USA! He´ll be there working for 11 days. We already miss him.
Hope everything is great over at your place!
Have a nice weekend!
Love from Åsa, Niclas and Lucas

September 16, 2006 3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy 6 months Mathias. He is such cutie. Love the pictures.

September 17, 2006 10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Bday Mathias! Gum some cake!

September 18, 2006 12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen :-)! It has been so fun following his progress from the moment he was born and I don't even know you :-)!

The wife of someone Ericka works with :-)

September 20, 2006 2:05 PM  

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