Tuesday, May 22, 2007


We're capping off a rough week!
It's been 7 days since the ear tubes went in. The tubes themselves don't really bother anyone. But we were prescribed to give him ear drops three times a day for a week afterwards.
I don't have any memories of being one year old. But I'm sure getting drops in my ears and having to hold my head still on it's side for a couple of minutes afterwards wasn't very exciting.
There is also the pesky ear plugs to wear when going in the bath tub. With cotton balls in his ears held in place by a red bandanna he looks like Karate Kid with his sidekick rubber duck.
To top it all off, M is now endowed with a third tooth! It's been working its way through the gums for a while but it is finally out. Judging from the bump in his mouth, number 4 isn't far behind. Getting the top row teeth seem to be much more miserable than the bottom dittos.


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