Thursday, June 28, 2007

Vacation on I90

Last week we took Mathias on his longest road trip so far. The first stop was Sioux Falls where we visited grandpa Charlie and great-grandma Cecile (who is now 100!).
[Hawaiian shirts run in the family...]

In the other end of South Dakota we stopped in the Black Hills and the lovely Blue Bell lodge in Custer Park. M dipped his toes in Sylvan Lake and had bread pudding at the Alpine Inn.

Then: onward west!
Few things trump having a house in the mountains of Montana. One of those things would be knowing someone with a house in the mountains of Montana! We visited aunt Marci and cousin Megan in Bozeman. A good time was had by all. We laughed at M's antics. M laughed at the puppy dogs. The trout laughed at Dad's feeble attempts at presenting a bead head caddis.

Mathias was a terrific traveler. Of course, everyone gets a bit cranky after a few hours in a car but he held up amazingly well. Kudos should also be extended to Ericka for being the tireless entertainer in the back seat!
Thanks to Marci and Megan for their hospitality!


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