Friday, September 18, 2009

Soap bubbles the size of a Volkswagen

Earlier this summer, some good friends endowed us with a bottle of soap bubble mix made by a company in Minneapolis. As far as I can tell, the mix is made from water, soap and super glue... It makes some amazingly large bubbles! The boys are having a lot of fun with it, especially M, who can run after the bubbles and 'pop' them.

Although I can't help thinking that in order to really appreciate a monster soap bubble one must have spent some time blowing old-fashioned ones. To the boys this is a bit like bypassing the old clunker Ford and getting a Bentley when getting your driver's license... I feel I should enlighten them by yet another anecdote beginning with: Let me tell you about when I was a kid, we didn't have..." I'm sure they will love it!


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