Sunday, September 29, 2019


Much of Johan's summer was consumed by... chickens.
Shortly after we came home from Sweden the chickens arrived via mail.  Yes, by mail.
One day old we parked them in a box in our garage under a heat lamp where they lived for a couple of weeks. Then we migrated them to a larger box in the garage. Meanwhile, we were scrambling to get a chicken coop built in the back yard. Johan has turned into quite the chicken master and they come running to him when he comes near the coop. It might be because he's usually handing out dried meal worms, which apparently chickens go nuts over.

We got six Barred Rock chickens - all named after players on the Boston Bruins team. And we got one Swedish Flower Hen- Mackan - named after our friend Agneta's dog. She's turning into quite the bird. Eggs are expected by Thanksgiving!


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