The Golden Birthday
Fourteen years and 940 posts later we are in a brand new decade celebrating the golden birthday of the boy for whom blog once started.
"The Golden Birthday" wasn't a thing when i grew up.... but it is the birthday when your age matches the day of the month. Mathias turns 14 on March 14th. [Johan celebrated his golden birthday three years ago]. We asked what he wanted to do to celebrate and the answer was a family ski trip. Here we are in northern Minnesota recovering from a long day of skiing. Unfortunately, Johan broke an arm skiing. But we have been assured it is a minor break (as breaks go). He'll get a cast Monday.
As developmental milestones come fewer and farther between, time is permanently in short supply, and inspiration possibly lacking... this might be a time as good as any to wrap up this blog.
If you have read this blog - thank you for following!
For Mathias and Johan (and myself) the blog will be archived. Perhaps in the future, the boys will be interested in looking at old photos of themselves. Surely, Ericka and i will one day nostalgically look back on busy and hectic, but fun, years that we would want back if we only could.
Thank you for 14 fantastic years with this blog.
Farmor and I have checked the blog every day under all this years.
The best day of the week have been the day with something new on the blog.
We will follow the boys on Facebook or Internet us long us we live
Thanks from
Tack för att du hållit oss uppdaterade här genom alla år! En ovärderlig chans för oss geografiskt avlägsna släktingar att hänga med i erat liv!
// Anna
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