Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sunday update...

Well... we did fabulously without the CPAP for about a day and a half. This morning we hit a snag. The spells were becoming too frequent and they dusted off the old face mask... I'm sure we'll try again in the near future. Even without the current setback our doctor has proclaimed him the healthiest kid in the ICU (not sure if that's a hint that they want him out soon?!).
More updates for the week:

  • When he hits four pounds (which is about 5 ounces away) his body can regulate its own temperature. So at that point we may lose the limiting walls of the incubator. Comes in handy if one wants to, for example, fly a kite.
  • Eye exam number II is schedule for either Wednesday or Thursday.
  • There is talk about him leaving the ICU in the next couple of weeks. He wouldn't be sent home though. Once the breathing gets under control he wouldn't need many of the medical marvels of the ICU so they'll put him in a less intense environment.
  • In an informal poll taken among the nursing staff he has been named the cutest baby in the history of mankind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That title have also been Maya and Emils for some time now. but i'm sure that they are ready to give it up. (smile)
Thomas & Lotte

May 01, 2006 12:53 AM  

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