Wednesday, May 24, 2006

2500g (or 5.5 lbs) today!

Not much of a way to celebrate but Mathias got his first round of vaccinations today. They were scheduled to arrive a few days ago but were postponed. In case you're keeping track, we've got:
-Hepatitis B
-Haemophilus influenzae type B (aka the cause of ear infection and meningitis)

The one saving grace is that it is all lumped into two shots instead of 7...

Here's a little known fact about the polio vaccine. There are two kinds: injected and oral. If you had a choice, why wouldn't you take the oral?! The oral vaccine (which is a live vaccine) actually causes polio in one of very 2.4 million folks that get it. So the first polio shot (a dead vaccine) is to vaccinate you against the oral dose you'll get later...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is he crabby today? My kids always slept a lot and cried after the shots.

I'm assuming you couldn't even watch. Even though you know it's "good for them" it's tough to watch...although with the second child I breezed through it!

Love Lydia

May 25, 2006 8:20 AM  

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