Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Happy three-month birthday!

Today, the little peanut turned three months!

We celebrated by making a first visit to our pediatrician. He is in Wayzata so the drive is about a third of going to Children's! Incidentally, the doctor has a son who was born at 1lb 2oz (just over 500g) so he has first-hand experience with preemies. The folks in Wayzata were notified pretty early on that we'd be coming there later so their staff have been checking in on him at Children's. That makes for a very smooth transition!

Mathias was given a clean bill of health although we will be making many return visits. The first one is on Friday for a third (might be fourth, I can't remember) eye exam.

For the foreseeable future, Mathias will be especially vulnerable to infection and disease. Ironically, one of the places that has the highest concentration of contagious children is... the waiting room at a children's clinic. For that reason we're instructed to simply bypass the waiting room and take the back door into the clinic. We're still asked to make appointments in advance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do they have a bouncer at the back door of the clinic??

I could easily eat every 2 hours...darn it.

So glad you are home and you got to take some vacation time. I think about y'all every day!

Love, Lydia

June 15, 2006 12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pics as always so glad things are progressing. Nice stroller. tim

June 15, 2006 9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being home! I remember being so "anal" about anyone coming to visit that I had a bottle of Purell hand sanitizer at the front door, in the kitchen and where ever Elle was! "Oops, you forgot to purell, please do so before you touch her, oh and try not to breathe on her also!" Yes I was a very protective mother when she first came home.
Elle got the Synergis injections for the first year to prevent RSV as I'm sure Mathias will as well.
So glad that all is going well. Please keep the website going, I really enjoy watching his progress!
Take care,
Kami Guthmiller

June 15, 2006 10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mathias looks quite content being home where he belongs! Thanks for updating the blog so we can get our fix for the day!

Such a handsome little man!

angie & rob

June 16, 2006 10:18 AM  

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