Occasional barks and toothless bites
The, up until recently, dreaded unhappy hour at 7 is starting to fade into memory. Of course, there are still the occasional tears as bedtime approaches. After all, who doesn't get a little crabby when tired?! But we're nowhere near the predictable meltdowns of September.
To keep things interesting, M has instead started a habit of chewing on everything he can get his hands on. Actually, his motor control isn't all that great so he can't get his hands on much.
His own hands are most readily available. It seems the later it gets in the day, the more appealing it is to chew on stuff - and more frustrating if you can't.
Without any teeth he can't do much actual chewing on his hands though...
To keep things interesting, M has instead started a habit of chewing on everything he can get his hands on. Actually, his motor control isn't all that great so he can't get his hands on much.
His own hands are most readily available. It seems the later it gets in the day, the more appealing it is to chew on stuff - and more frustrating if you can't.
Without any teeth he can't do much actual chewing on his hands though...
WOW is he ever getting big and so stinkin cute :) I love all the pics!
There's lots of fist chomping at our house too. Soon the bites won't be toothless! :)
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