Saturday, October 14, 2006


Did you know...

  • Supposedly, if you ask a person to name a number between one and ten, the most often mentioned answer is seven.
  • There are seven heavenly bodes visible to the naked eye: the sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
  • Some astronomers believe Jesus was born in year seven BC - a very bright star passed over the Mediterranean Sea in May that year.
  • In the world of mathematics, seven is a prime number (the fourth). But it is also considered a Lucky number (the second; 3 is the first) . It is also a the first happy number (not counting 1 which is, per definition, happy). And you thought scientists were boring! Who knew they spend their days trying to figure out which numbers are happier than others!?
  • A ladybug has seven spots.
  • After the 1973 oil crisis, leaders of the worlds largest economies met in France in the first annual meeting of the G-seven countries. It has since been expanded to the G-eight when Russia was added to the group (even though Russia is only the world's 10th largest economy and thus is cutting in line before China and Spain). The international direct calling code for Russia is seven (the US is 1 and Sweden is 46).
  • The number seven is considered lucky, especially in Japan and the western world - and casinos everywhere. On the topic of casinos: if you roll two dice, the most likely number to occur is seven (it happens 16.66% of the time).
  • There are seven colors in the rainbow.

And today is M's seven month birthday! Happy Happy!


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