Progress... II

We have also upgraded (or downgraded - depending on how you view it) his sleeping furniture. Yes, we traded in the incubator for a bed!

Yesterday, when the doctor rounded on him, for the first time the prospect of him going home came up. It is not imminent but it seems eating is now the last remaining hurdle. Obviously, they won't send him home with a tube in his nose and parents directed to feed him that route. We're practicing nursing every day. It seems to have some appeal to him but he quickly gets bored and falls asleep. Why work for it when you can have the goods delivered straight to your stomach via pipeline?
In preparation for a pending homecoming, he will get his first set of shots this week.
First a bigger bed - soon a whole room at home just for him! As far as nursing... he is probably just waiting for the Diet Coke! ;)
who do you think you are fooling with this "not immenent" stuff? with the way things have gone, he'll be home by this friday! what wonderful news. we look forward to the continued updates. can we start a betting sheet on the date and time of discharge?
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