Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Witching Hour

It isn't quite as ominous as the introduction to Mary Shelley's famous book...

But for the past two weeks it seems that the clock strikes seven bells in the evening and M is a very unhappy camper. The otherwise perfect angel is suddenly, as Costanza said like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.

My impression is that at that time he is simultaneously very hungry and very tired. Too hungry to sleep. To tired to eat. What is there to do but howl!? Luckily it doesn't last long and we're usually able to either talk him into some dairy or convince him that a nap is a grand idea. At least it is a sign of serious lung-capacity that otherwise goes undisplayed nearly all the time.

I actually heard that it affects as many as 75% of children his age and it is a way for them to reboot their central nervous system after a long day of stimuli. But what do I know?!

Goes without saying, doesn't it, that displaying actual photos from unhappy hour would not be commensurate with his carefully crafted image as the greatest in kid around.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


On Sunday, M was baptized.

My parents, Ericka's dad and a two of her siblings with their families made it to town for the event. Pictured above are Tim and Brenda, the godparents.

Pastor Jim sprinkling water.

Our neighbor, Laura, read a very nice introduction.

The central character himself in his gown made by Grandma Kay.

Approximately half of M's cousins.

Thanks to everyone who joined us on this beautiful summer day!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Hearing Exam

Still no button to press... but M passed his hearing exam! It was discovered, however, that while both ears are 'ok' one ear is much better than the other. A closer look revealed that he has liquid behind the ear drum.

I'm no expert but my understanding is that the liquid itself isn't a huge deal. The risk is that it can become infected if left alone for too long. Presumably, children don't like that. We'll get him in to a Ear/Nose/Throat doctor (or ENT as everyone in-the-know seem to call it) in the next couple of weeks.

And speaking of liquids:

The good life...

Monday, August 14, 2006

Happy five-month birthday!

It has been a couple of weeks since he was last weighed so we don't know exactly how big he is.

But he is eating like... A very hungry caterpillar!

On the road to 'Spoiled Rotten'...

Not every child has his own seat warming assistant!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The elusive smile

M is becoming a frequent smiler although it is somewhat difficult to capture on camera.

It is somewhat akin to that Looney Tunes episode where Michigan J Frog sings: http://www.frogsonice.com/froggy/mjfrog/mjfrog-song.au but only if nobody else is listening (to the chagrin of his potential exploiter).

Yes, it is year 2006 and even cartoon frogs have their own web pages: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michigan_J_Frog

Monday, August 07, 2006

Almost a week without the monitor

I have to say we're adjusting rather well.

Ericka and I aren't quite sleeping like we did under the watchful eye of twenty-first century electronics. There's often the nagging thought of 'boy, he's quiet over there... Better go check!...'

M, on the other hand, sleeps like, as they say, a baby.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Can be measured in many ways. Here's one:

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Baby M 2.0: Now completely wireless!

The apnea monitor has been very quiet for the past few weeks (apart from the never ending lose lead false alarms). This was confirmed in the most recent data download.

Luckily, we don't have to go to the hospital to do this. You just plug in your phone line and they get their info directly from the box via the local Regional Bell Operating Company. It is of course a great relief to be rid of the monitor. But at the same time I'm guessing we'll sleep less tonight than any night so far...
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