Witching Hour
But for the past two weeks it seems that the clock strikes seven bells in the evening and M is a very unhappy camper. The otherwise perfect angel is suddenly, as Costanza said like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.
My impression is that at that time he is simultaneously very hungry and very tired. Too hungry to sleep. To tired to eat. What is there to do but howl!? Luckily it doesn't last long and we're usually able to either talk him into some dairy or convince him that a nap is a grand idea. At least it is a sign of serious lung-capacity that otherwise goes undisplayed nearly all the time.
I actually heard that it affects as many as 75% of children his age and it is a way for them to reboot their central nervous system after a long day of stimuli. But what do I know?!

Goes without saying, doesn't it, that displaying actual photos from unhappy hour would not be commensurate with his carefully crafted image as the greatest in kid around.