Thursday, September 22, 2011

End of season clearance!

It's official! The summer of 2011 is done. Welcome fall!
That means that all leftover summer photos that didn't make it into a blog post have to go.
So here's the blowout of the summer that just ended. It looks like we had fun!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Smashing & crashing

A nearby town held its 11th annual demolition derby yesterday. Convincing the boys to go took very little effort! They sat still for about two hours - with only a small break for cotton candy - watching as cars were being dented. The favorite category was the compact cars (featured in the clip below) with pickup trucks as a close second. Next I expect they will start staging demolition derbies for their toy cars!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A perfect day for an outdoor party

Over the weekend, Johan invited (well... he provided input) a half dozen of his closest friends for a party at a nearby park. The kids played on the fabulous playground and ate hot dogs. It was all polished off with cake and ice cream. After all that fun he went home and took a long nap.

Friday, September 09, 2011


Happy Birthday to Johan who hit the big 3 today!
Technically, the exact time of 23:30 it isn't for another 90 minutes but I'm too tired to stay awake!
We had a relatively quiet celebration tonight with pizza and cake. Tomorrow is the party at a nearby park with a bunch of his friends. The weather forecast looks fabulous!

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

They grow up so fast...

In the spirit of wanting to be exactly like his big brother... Johan is determined that he is turning five on Friday. So we'll just bypass three and four.   

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