Monday, July 17, 2017

Return to Bemiji

We spent a lovely few days on Turtle Lake in Bemiji lapping up the sun and playing in the water.  The boys had fun building cities out of sand, trying to stay on top of a giant inflatable ball, and diving for treasures (mostly clam shells) at the beach.  Johan really enjoyed stand up paddle boarding with Ericka. Mathias fished every night (and caught a few nice ones)! These are the moments you'd like to bottle up and save until January! 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


It has been a while... but we made it out to do some damage to a very pretty lawn. In his red shirt, Mathias was mimicking Tiger Woods on Sundays during his heydays. We never saw Tiger display quite that amount of slice though... Perhaps we need a bit of practice. 

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