Saturday, December 31, 2011

Auld Lang Syne

It's ten at night. If you'll be singing in two hours; good for you!
My boys will be awake by six regardless of what I do. So I'm going to bed!
May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

With brilliant timing Mathias came down with a fever this afternoon. He briefly rallied (surprise!) in time to open Christmas gift but then faded and went to bed early. I wonder if Santa Claus will stop by tonight? If so, we set out cookies for him and celery for the reindeer.
We'll have the answer very early tomorrow morning!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Waiting... or not

What a difference 2 1/2 years make!
Mathias is well aware that Christmas is coming. He knows what date it is (thanks to Aunt B's calendar) and how many days remain to the big day. He keeps track. He is very excited about it. He can't wait and certainly exemplifies the expression "being like a kid at Christmas".
Johan on the other hand... is happily bumbling along in his day. He enjoys all the Christmas lights and the candy from the calendar. But time is much less relevant to him. He will wake up one morning and we'll tell him it is Christmas. Then he will be excited about it. But it will come as a surprise. Right now, he makes no distinction between two days, two weeks, and two months.
But come Saturday, they will both be like kids on Christmas.
Lucky them!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holiday real estate

The boys are preparing for Christmas by adding to the oversupply in the housing market. What we have here is a charming one bedroom cottage that would be a perfect hideout for the snacker in your family.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

A keeper

Johan keeps saying "I like Oreo. Can he stay with us?" And I guess he can, even though he doesn't sleep at night spending most of his time biting our toes.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

With aunts like B...

...who needs Santa Claus?!
Well... the boys might argue in spite of Aunt B's generosity, Santa Claus can still come visit our house. But until then we'll enjoy the quilted advent calendar she sent. It is loaded up with daily treats to get M&J from here to the big day.

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