Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Aunt B!

During a recent trip to South Dakota, Johan discovered the joy of playing the drums at cousin Reagan's house. After some practice he came up with this little number. Aunt B's birthday was something like 6 weeks ago... But you can't rush perfection!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Safety in numbers

Johan had his first dentist visit. To make it easier on everyone involved (?) Ericka brought both boys at the same time. Mathias, who has done this before, did very well (no cavities!).
Johan, on the other hand, had no interest in letting anyone look at his teeth. They decided that it was more of an introduction-to-the-dentist's-office than an actual checkup of teeth. Better luck in six months!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gone fishing

We recently introduced the boys to the joy of fishing.
Before heading out we were a little bit concerned about how it would go as Mathias tends to develop fond relationships with crawling creatures, such as worms. But it went well and the fish were biting! In a little over an hour of fishing we came away with about a dozen Sunnies and Perch.
Don't tell Johan but he spent most of the time fishing without a hook at the end of his line. We figured with two novices we would be better off with only one throwing sharp objects around. Towards the end we let him try the real deal. Lo and behold he caught a fish too!

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Independence Day

The 4th of July weekend came and went in a flash! As usual the boys were in the kids parade with their friend Bella. The boys insisted on driving the Gator so we attempted to convert it into an ambulance with M&J as medics. It took third place in the "miscellaneous" category!
Then it was off to the carnival for a few rides on a scorchingly hot day. The carnival was easier in the age when only one kid went on rides!
On the morning of the 4th we took in the parade downtown on an equally hot day.
Whew! I need a vacation!

Sunday, July 03, 2011


We recently took in Cars 2. Not counting a failed attempt at bringing Mathias to see Shrek last summer (he and mom had to leave when the dragon showed up early in the movie) this was the boys' first movie in a theater. Johan pretty much at his weight in popcorn.
The movie? Well.. after taking in a gazillion dollars from ticket sales, DVD sales and an avalanche of merchandising from the first move AND having five years to work on the follow-up production... this was all Disney/Pixar could come up with?!
There was a clear generational divide in the theater. Older folks hated it and everyone under 6 loved it. I'm not looking forward to seeing this a hundred times in the next few years...
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