Sunday, August 31, 2008

The least efficient team

The fall raspberries are in!
Our trio ventured out to pick some.

Of the three of us:

-Ericka picked raspberries

-M picked raspberries (but not a single one made it into the bucket)
-I spent all my time making sure M didn't get in trouble

It took a while but we got a pint of berries. 

And, as always, a good time was had by all!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Signs summer has arrived

Corn on the cob!

It's food and fun!

Big brother in training

After two and a half years of being the center of the universe it can't be entirely easy when you get to share the spotlight with someone else.  

M doesn't quite seem to comprehend the looming changes. But he is getting on board with the idea of sharing. Until the arrival of Baby X he's sharing his toys with Rudi. 

Or as Rudi would see it:  here I was enjoying a lazy afternoon snooze and I woke up covered in toys...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

36 weeks

36 weeks and still holding!

Today, Ericka's doc gave her the go-ahead to go into labor whenever she wants.

Conveniently, she mentioned that she's on call over the weekend (incidentally, that's Labor Day weekend...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Como Park

We recently made a return trip to Como Park.  

Polls show that their giant jungle gym was the clear favorite among the 2-year-liking-liking-to-climb  segment of the population.

Another crowd pleaser was the Como Town Train.

And what little boy doesn't like trains?!

After the train ride we put out a few fires at the Fire Brigade ride.

And what little boy doesn't like fire trucks?!

At the zoo we especially enjoyed the monkeys...

...and the giraffes.

At the end of the day we left with a very tired little boy...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Signs summer has arrived

Going to the beach!

Monday, August 11, 2008

34 Weeks

As of today, Ericka has made it 34 weeks with Baby X!  That is almost 2 months longer than with Mathias.  As I mentioned earlier, 37 weeks (some actually say 36) is considered full term.  If we take the conservative route, that's September 1st.  So, we might just be on the home stretch!

Based on the most recent ultrasound, the cherub is weighing in at 4.5 - 5 pounds (about 2000g).  
That's right at the 50th percentile on the growth chart.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The upwardly mobile

It was almost exactly a year ago that we let go of the furniture and took a few unstable  but excited steps.

Now we have whole-heartedly embraced leaving the horizontal plane and climbing.

Most of the time mom and dad intervene but sometimes it makes for a good photo-op!
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