Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The trooper

Johan had his eye surgery today. He was a rock star and put up with not getting any breakfast in anticipation of the surgery. That's a big deal in his book!
Apart from a nosebleed and slightly bloodied eyes (there's a sight you don't want to see) everything went well. After recovering a bit at home he was back to his usual self by early afternoon.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mathias Ibrahimovic

Last week Mathias attended a soccer mini-camp along with a couple of dozen other 4 and 5 year-olds.
Due to rain they played indoors one day.
The kids had a fabulous time.
Nobody emerged as the next Pelé.

Friday, June 17, 2011

It must be summer: backyard camping!

Last weekend we made another attempt at camping in the back yard. After enjoying* a camp fire and roasting s'mores we went to bed in our tent at about 9. By 11 Johan and I had moved into the house and by 1:30 Mathias and Ericka followed. Next time we're hoping to make it to 3!

*The boys had fun picking up sticks in the yard and adding them to the fire. When he couldn't find any more sticks, Johan came across Ericka's Ray-Bans. Yes... he tossed them in the fire. We still love him.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Everyone knows the lyrics to the song "Happy Birthday to You" are notoriously difficult...
But Johan does his best to tackle the challenge.
Happy Birthday, Farfar!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pomp & Circumstance!

It's that time of year. Hopeful young people in their funny hats graduating to the next big step in life. Some of Mathias' friends are completing pre-school and moving onto Kindergarten in the fall. But let's not discriminate - let's all graduate! It's fun!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Don't cry for me... [insert region here]

So... after a few stubborn bouts of eye infections, Johan was diagnosed with having two clogged tear ducts. At least one is clogged and one almost entirely clogged.
Contrary to what one might think, the tear duct does not lead tears to the eye, but drains them away from the eye.
Your eyes are continuously kept moist with tears and a duct drains away the excess along with dust, debris, etc. and dumps it into your nose. No, really! That's how some talented people - I guess with very clear ducts - can blow air out of their eyes...
What kind of procedure is used to unclog those ducts, you ask? Let's not spend too much time thinking about it!

Monday, June 06, 2011

Mastering the art of the chopsticks

Eating with chopsticks is hard and takes practice. Perhaps you need to be very hungry to focus hard enough on figuring out how it works... Or you can just toss one of the sticks and stab your food with the other. That works too until you've eaten the chunky stuff and you're left with the noodles. Then you say "all done!" and walk away.
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