Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Truckers move the nation

Conventional wisdom has it that in the economic downturn construction is the sector hit the hardest. That's hard to believe. Around here it seems the clatter of construction trucks is a permanent part of the landscape. We're not sure where they're going but they sure seem busy.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fresh air 2

After several days of more or less continuous snowfall, Ericka and Mathias went out and explored the back yard. I'm guessing we'll be back for more.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

While we have no chimney, the boys are nonetheless hopeful that Santa Claus will make an appearance at some point during the night. If not he'll miss out on the milk & cookies we set out for him.

Look Santa! No hands!

Just in time for Christmas, Johan has greatly expanded his mobility (even if it is a little wobbly). Who wants to race through the house!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fresh air

Ericka and Mathias enjoyed the winter wonderland. Chances are they'll do it again over the weekend as we're scheduled to receive a serious load of snow over the next few days.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Light in the dark

It's the darkest day of the year! But it doesn't have to be! Why not spruce up the night with a cacophony of light bubs from the downtown Minneapolis Holidazzle parade. With Mathias mostly on my shoulders (my neck may be back to normal by new years...) and Johan in the backpack we ventured out on a not-so-cold evening to take it all in. Before the parade came a police cruiser with flashing lights. After the parade came a tow truck (just in case any of the floats would break down). If you ask Mathias, those were the highlights!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

March to Christmas: with a Sandvik Type 23

It's about a week later than in a normal year... but we finally made it out to saw down 12 feet of holiday scent! After the hard work of helping dad push the tree over Mathas enjoyed a well earned chocolate chip cookie while mom slurped down some warm apple cider. Johan observed the whole event from his perch 5 feet above ground.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

KIcking off the Christmas season

Ericka and Mathias kicked off the holiday season by putting up some seasonal real estate.
It is a one room cottage mostly in brown but with a few color accents. The roof is not entirely rain proof and some of the angles aren't exactly 90 degrees. But it suits our taste...

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