Thursday, May 28, 2015

Fishing opener

The boys and I kicked off the fishing season from a dock at Lake Rebecca.  Mathias caught the the first... um.... bite. After a minute on the dock he caught a turtle. Luckily we got that one back in the water without any trouble.  After that they both caught a steady stream of little sunnies.  I think Johan as under the impression he kept catching the same fish over and over again. So every time we threw it back in the lake it went straight back to his worm for another 'snack'. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Racing without a license

Aunt Anna gave Mathias a remote control race car for Christmas. After several month of waiting for snow to disappear the time came to take it outside for a spin.  In the first test drive we had a snafu requiring a shipment of spare parts. Now that the car is restored we're out zipping around the cul-de-sac. It is a fast car and I'm guessing before too long we'll be tapping our Hong Kong based spare parts supplier. 

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Tooth number two: out!

After being wiggly for weeks... Johan's second tooth was finally getting ready to come out today.  He was very excited about a potential visit from the tooth fairy (he's a ladies man) and asked his brother for help. Said and done! Mathias pulled the tooth out for him!  Hopefully the tooth fairy will reward the effort!

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