Sunday, February 24, 2013

Read me a book

Last weekend we visited Springfield so the boys could get their Aunt B fix. It's their favorite vacation destination, well worth the loooong drive. Nobody spoils you better!
Saturday night Aunt B read the boys some stories and Mathias reciprocated by introducing her to the Cat in the Hat and his own new reading skills. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

A loose tooth

And after a couple of false starts, this one seems to be for real!  Mathias has a permanent tooth growing in behind the milk teeth and it is pushing pretty hard on the lower middle ones. He is very excited about it. He's even talking about tying a string to it for creative ways of pulling out the tooth. Although I think it might be a day or two early yet. 
Somewhere, the Tooth Fairy is filling her pockets at the bank...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

100 days of K

As of Friday, the current crop of Kindergartners in our town, including Mathias, has finished the first 100 days of the school year. That's somewhere between 50 and 60% of the total for the entire Kindergarten experience. 
Mathias is making great progress on his reading and math skills. He's dabbling in books geared towards second grade and enjoys reading very much (although probably more so when someone else does the reading for him and he just gets to listen). 
Of course, no version of reading has anything on Angry Birds! 

Saturday, February 02, 2013


Yesterday, Johan had his ear tubes installed at Children's hospital. He was very brave throughout the whole process. In all it was very quick.  Ericka brought him to the hospital at 6:15, while I took Mathias to school, and we were out by nine.  The surgery itself took about 10 minutes. He woke up from surgery and at very good spirits and ready to go home. 
He had doctors orders to take it easy the rest of the day. So he spent most of hit laying on the couch watching movies. 

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