Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The world on a string

Still digesting the last pieces of leftover turkey we seized the opportunity before the cold snap to put up some Christmas lights.

It took about twice as long to do it with help than it would have without.

But we taugth M everything we know about exterior illumi-nation!

And everyone was happy with the results.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope you all have reasons to be thankful as we officially wade into the 2007 holiday season.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Detour on the road to language

We're up to four words.

After 'Ball' and 'Bug' (actually, on closer examination it is really 'Bup' but it still refers to insects) we hit the big two: Mama and Papa! Sort of... It is more like 'Ma-ma-ma-ma' and 'Gaga' but we're pretty sure it refers to us.

But it turns out other sounds are much more fun. We'll sort this under 'How do the piggies sound?'


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Another Sunday

Green Bay 34, Vikings 0

So what?!
We've got better looking fans, anyway!
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