Certain varieties of sharks are perp-etually in motion.
They literally never stop moving.

It is unclear how or if they sleep. But water needs to flow through their gills every minute of every day.

You may not know this but humans share about 5000 DNA segments with sharks.
That's not a lot in the greater scheme of your DNA. But you may wonder: where are those shared genes? Is that where I got my pool playing abilities or affinity for Texas Hold-em? 
Well, look no further than to your nearest 10-month old boy! 
M sleeps peacefully for 10 hours per night and takes four solid naps during the day. 

But during the waking hours the resem-blance to his restless friends is there - he is, as his mother says, 'a busy guy'.
Hanging out with him is a non-stop feast of reaching, grabbing, chewing, throwing, rolling, kicking, more chewing, and the list goes on. 
It's hard to keep up and is quite exhausting! And he's not crawling, let alone walking, yet!

Make no doubt: we'll be in trouble very soon!