Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Moving forward

Without anyone modeling how he should do it... M has improvised an approach for getting from point A to point B. My wife refers to it as the commando crawl. I think he resembles Arnold Schwarzenegger's character in the endgame of The Terminator...

In either case, it is quite effective. And all of a sudden huge swaths of the house are within his reach!


Monday, February 19, 2007

A new tactic

Laying in your stomach lifting yourself up on your arms will work in a pinch...

But getting a real overview of the world around you takes a different modus operandi. After all, the world is shaped by those who can sit for themselves!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

A first recital

Presenting: A medley of timeless favorites.

(pay attention to his feet)

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Will you be my valentine?

Yes, it is true!
We have developed a new endearing talent as displayed here.

Happy Valentine's day to you all!
We hope you have someone to shower with affection today.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Food Follies

Even when on a liquid and semi-liquid diet it can be challenging to eat when teeth are working their way through your gums...
That was confirmed when our traveling nurse stopped by to give M his monthly RSV shot a few days ago. His weight gain has slowed to a trickle. That wasn't terribly surprising since he's been a less-than-enthusiastic eater lately. Normally, he'd be putting on a half to one ounce (15-30 grams) per day. Last month he averaged 8 grams per day. One might think "what's ten-fifteen grams a day between friends?", right. But over time it adds up. So now we're stepping up the marketing of our food offering: look daddy likes it! Mmmm....

But, I suppose, in the greater scheme of things it isn't that significant. After all, his one-year birthday is looming on the horizon and, so far, he's been free from illness, injuries, major complications, etc. And he's almost always happy. That's got to count for something, right?!

Besides, with his activity level it's surprising he's gaining any weight at all...
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