Saturday, February 23, 2008

23 months going on 17 years

The other day, Mr M was caught on camera working on his best teenager impression:

  • Standing around not doing much of anything

  • Surly and disinterested demeanor

  • Rebelling against the standards imposed on him by society (refusing to wear socks). Perhaps in recognition of the month that would have included James Dean's 77th birthday.

It was a short lived moment and he quickly resumed his usual jovial self.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


"The artist is the opposite of the politically minded individual, the opposite of the reformer, the opposite of the idealist. The artist does not tinker with the universe, he recreates it out of his own experience and understanding of life".
~Henry Valentine Miller

Happy Valentine's Day, Mom!
Mathias made this just for you in ECFE class.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Adventures in babysitting

It seems a very long time ago that we had just come home from the hospital with a very small person in a car seat. Actually, it was in the summer of 2006. This weekend we had the opportunity to relive the era by babysitting 1-month old baby Isabella while her parents enjoyed a well deserved high-falutin five-course gastronomic escapade with the requisite wine pairings downtown.

Baby Bella was on her best behavior while visiting. She sat around, had some milk, took a little rest, and was generally content. Parenting her must be a breeze!

Mathias and baby Bella have been previously introduced so no ice breakers were necessary.

In fact, they get along quite well. Well... M was happy for the company until Ericka had the audacity of feeding the new arrival. Noboyd wants to be replaced as the center of the universe just like that! But once dad took over the feeding order was restored.
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