Sunday, June 28, 2009

Swim school graduation

Mathias has just finished two weeks of summer swim school. Just like last year, the last day was life jacket day.  Throughout the sessions he showed limited interest in actual swimming exercises...  He is mostly there for the jumping. 

Sunday, June 21, 2009

On Father's Day

I had the privilege to observe Mathias "mowing the yard", or as he called it "give the lawn a haircut".   Meanwhile, his brother was observing his every move from his perch in the sand box.
It was a good day to be a dad!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Cake for real

Mathias' rendition of the most popular song in the world.
It goes out to grandpa, Farfar, on his 65th (!) birthday!
Happy birthday, Farfar!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Statistically speaking; there should be cake!

As of today, Johan is 275 days old. 
His brother is 1185.

In other words, they have a combined lifetime of 1460 days, or exactly four years. 
So, on average, today is the boys' second birthday!
In a roundabout way I think we should have celebrated!  Happy birthday!

Sunday, June 07, 2009


Envision going on a first camping trip with two young children.  Perhaps more specifically, envision being a long way from home in a tent when one of them decides he really doesn't want to be camping at all...  Or when you discover that you forgot to bring something really crucial, like a favorite blanket, baby food, milk, or anything else that you can't get by without!

The solution is, of course, a) to camp very close to your home, and b) bring everything in your house.  In other words, set up the tent in your back yard and make a camp fire!  If anything goes awry you can always migrate to the house in 10 seconds flat! 

We recently tried it out and camped out in the back yard with both boys.  We were a little bit surprised that both of them went to sleep in the tent and slept through the night.  Well... at least until the birds woke up and started making ruckus at 5.30...  Rise and shine!

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