Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bottom left!

It took 446 days but Johan finally decided to sprout a tooth!
We'll never know for sure but we speculate that Aunt B had something to do with it... Perhaps her Thanksgiving turkey was his ticket to deciding that some things are worth growing teeth!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Standing on two (wobbly) legs

Just in time for the holiday Johan started attempting the walking version of biking without training wheels! So far he has been known to stand with a big grin on his face for upwards of 4 seconds! We're going places now!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More fun with water

Turns out it is even more entertaining with a buddy in the tub. And the amount of water on the floor goes up exponentially...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fun with water

What young child doesn't enjoy splashing in a bath tub?
Johan certainly is a fan!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Countdown to Thanksgiving

When you're three, the passage of time and the marking of holidays can be tricky concepts. Once Halloween was over we told Mathias that the next holiday coming up is Thanksgiving and that we'll go visit Aunt B. Now, as it happens, Aunt B's house is one of his favorite places. So, naturally, he has been asking twice a day ever since whether today is the day we'll go to Aunt B's. Good thing there's only three weeks to go!
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