Sunday, March 28, 2010
It was a great success in that there were no wipeouts. Of course, he never let go of his mothers arms during the trial run. It is not an easy concept to switch from walking to skating.
Thanks Bella! We'll see you soon!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Touring the Midwest
We spent the weekend taking a road trip. One of the stops was to check in on Grandpa Charlie. The boys had a terrific time at his house. Johan spent most of his time exploring and looking for ways to get in trouble. But he also spent some quality time with Grandpa. Mathias got to swim in the pool and collaborated with Grandpa on several priceless masterpieces in water color. Best of all - spring is here and the world starts anew!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
After the big but slightly premature celebration yesterday, the actual birthday was considerably more laid back. Mathias spent the morning opening a generous pile of gifts from grandparents, aunts, and friends. Even his brother had a gift for him.
As the spectator of the birthday event, all I can say is:
Buy Disney stock!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Fun with fans
The evening before the party, we picked it up and the boys of course had to give it a test drive. They gave it two enthusiastic thumbs up!
Friday, March 12, 2010
The last hurrah of winter
In the fleeting days of winter - inspired by the Vancouver Olympics - Mathias tried his hand (and feet) at skiing.It wasn't a smash-hit. After falling a handful of times in wet soggy snow he had had enough.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Moments to relive
As the parent of a young child you get used to having the same conversations over and over again whenever something noteworthy happens. I'm guessing we'll be talking about this one a few times...
A couple of stones throws from our house is a construction site. On Friday afternoon they were pumping concrete into the foundation of the future house. Long story short - warm weather melted the snow making the ground soggy and the concrete pump truck got stuck in the mud... In front of the awestruck boy, the crew failed to pull it loose using the cement truck. A bulldozer was brought in and that did the trick. Needless to say, a good time was had by all! Sweet dreams!
Monday, March 01, 2010
If you thought the first day of meteorological spring was a day to sit on the porch and lap up the the first rays of sunshine in 2010, think again! You may be laboring under the illusion that the mudpuddles will take care of themselves...
But no! It takes a steady supply of carefully delivered scoops of snow to create slush of optimal water to dirt ratio. It is hard work but seeing the mixture clog the clotheswasher is the reward for a job well done!