Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The next Louganis

When extremely successful artists or athletes are interviewed about how they reached their achievements, they usually reveal getting started in their chosen field around age 3 or 4... At the ripe age of 4, Mathias enjoys swimming - actually jumping into water. So, until playing with cars becomes a sport or art form, I guess diving will be his forte!
Take note! 20 years from now you'll be able to say that you saw him here first - before the medals, before the fame, and before the endorsement contracts!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I guess it is official... we now live in the country!
The boys find the bovines next door very entertaining. Maybe they are getting new career aspirations (leaving the truck-driver, fire-fighter, excavator-operator, anything-automotive path). But I hear Willie Nelson Disapproves...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Feng Shui in food storage

Everybody knows the basics of kitchen cupboard organization... keep the crackers separated from canned goods, make sure the pickles don't block the aura of the fresh fruit, etc.
But what about the more advanced questions?! Should jams be organized by color or alphabetically by berry? Should corn flakes be separated from, or placed next to, pop corn? And don't even get me started on the spice rack!
If you are overwhelmed by these weighty matters you can always recruit assistance from experts with a keep eye and artistic temperament to help 'organize' things!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Running in the water sprinkler - the 2010 edition

Back when I was a child, an age that seems to have been around 1850, many things were different. For example, on a hot day you may nag your parents into letting you play in the water sprinkler. That's something that usually seemed like a good idea until you actually did it. Turns out the water quickly became ice cold. Then the grass started getting soggy and sticking to your feet and legs. Did I mention the water was ice cold?
Fast forward to the modern era... We went to the Splash Pad in St Louis Park. It is just a little park for very young kids where the sprinklers grew wild! Bring your own bucket!

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Fun in the sun

What better way to really kick off the summer than a visit to Como Park?! After a brief moment looking at the polar bears, giraffes, and flamingos the boys pulled us into the rides.
This was Johan's first time going on rides - a new experience that went over well!
It was also Mathias' first visit as a 4-year old. The crucial distinction there is that he was now big enough for the 'Como Driving School'. The Swedish made electric cars never made it faster than 3 miles an hour but boy was that fun! He did manage to run over the foot of one of the driving 'instructors"!

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