Sunday, October 31, 2010

Treats (very few tricks)

It was a fabulous afternoon for trick or treating in our old neighborhood. With young kids we went very early and beat the rush!
Mathias went as a monkey. He is very attached to his outfit and this is the second year he wears it. The legs are a bit short but that's ok!
Johan went as a gnome. To our surprise he didn't even mind the fake beard.
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

It took Mathias well over 6 months to warm up to the idea of pedaling the bike he received for his birthday. It mostly been sitting in the basement gathering dust as he has driven cars around it. But now - just as winter is around the corner - he decided the time was right to get on the road. Look out!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A hard day's night

All that raking of leaves totally wears you out.
Oh, and spending the day playing is no cakewalk either!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Work or play

There are two types of people in the world - There are those who view a back yard full of leaves as weekend-after-weekend of work and blisters. Then there are those who view the same back yard as endless fun. Here are a couple of photos of folks in the latter category.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Halloween is 3 weeks away!

Do you know where your pumpkins are?
Ours are on the front porch - awaiting carving - after our visit to a nearby farm. The boys had lots of fun picking out their favorite gourds and we have started the countdown to Samhain. The boys have their costumes picked out and baskets ready to go. Start stocking up on candy!

Monday, October 04, 2010

Apples and cows

We went and visited the Apple Jack's Orchard.
The actual fruit picking wasn't nearly as popular as riding the 'cow train'. What is a 'cow train', you say? It is fun and games in steel drums cut in half, put on wheels and painted like Holsteins. When visiting the orchard, you get to take a spin. Pulling the whole equipage is a John Deere Gator, no less (all things John Deere are haute couture around here).

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