Thursday, April 28, 2011

Who are you?

We've had a few months of Johan being increasingly assertive about his own interest and abilities.
While doing this he has always referred to himself as "I". Think: "I do it!!" and "No, I!!" (always with multiple exclamation points....).
Yesterday, for the first time he expanded the repertoire and started to use his own name! Another mile stone off the chart - ability to say his own name: Check!
In other developments, he's now up to 10 teeth... He may very well become one of the few kids in high school who can't eat pork chops!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Last weekend, cousins Megan and Colten (and aunt Marci) came to town for a visit. Actually, for somebody's birthday. The boys had fun playing with their out-of-town relatives. Colten gave Mathias a lesson in Lego, Megan made a mean beading project, and Marci cooked us all a fabulous breakfast.
Yes, Johan is wearing an adult sized bicycle helmet. That's a whole different story...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spoiling the children

Supposedly some 2400 years ago Socrates lamented about the state of today's youth.
We can chalk this up to enabling the next generation to go soft.... We enlisted Mathias for continuing swim lessons. But rather than the freezing cold local pool we went to a facility with a heated one. It's like practicing swimming in a Jacuzzi. I had to take photos through the window because the lens kept fogging up inside.
On the clip, Johan offers his running commentary.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

An answer

Going through life there are a number of nagging questions that periodically surface. One the most persistent is: what exactly IS behind door number one?
We can now reveal the answer! It's a two-year-old greeter!

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