Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Faster, farther, fearless-er

Mathias keeps practicing his biking and having a blast.
I believe it was Albert Einstein who said: "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving"

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Breaking claws with good friends

We had some good friends over for a Swedish (sort of) crayfish party.
As the Swedish version is not particularly plentiful, we feasted on the genuine Chinese variety from of IKEA.
While the crayfish were tasty. Everyone under six, Mathias, Johan and their friend Sylvie thought their were intriguing but refused to try one.
They had macaroni.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Moving forward by scaling back

In these uncertain economic times many see it worthwhile to dial back their excesses. We're doing our part. We reduced the number of wheels on Mathias' bike from 4 to 2 by removing the training wheels. It didn't slow him down. If anything it made him faster! And happier!

Monday, August 08, 2011


The swimming lessons go on.
While he doesn't quite resemble Ian Thorpe yet, he's working hard on his Matthew Mitcham impression. We're now up to the 1 meter platform! 10.0!

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Too hot! Went to the pool!

In our infinite wisdom we had planned to go camping Sunday night. At the last minute we - thank goodness - changed our minds. It was way too hot and humid for any tenting. With the benefit of hindsight we can note that we also had terrible weather roll in Monday morning. That could have been quite the adventure!
Instead we headed for another adventure. We piled into the car and made an overnight trip to Wisconsin and stayed at the Three Bears water park. The boys got to ride water slides to their hearts content. And we spent most of the days in facilities with air conditioning!
In the whirlwind visit we didn't get around to taking many pictures. The one below is of Johan napping in the car on the way home with his swimming trunks on his head...
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