Saturday, February 25, 2012


It was a bright and sunny winter morning when Mathias took his first skiing lesson today. His group consisted of seven kids who had never skid before, coupled with no less than three instructors.
After some practice they migrated to the bunny hill which comes with a magic carpet. That's the contraption bringing beginners tot he starting line. It's like a grocery store conveyor belt moving up the hill. Where was that when I learned to ski?!
After 90 minutes of ski school he was starting to feel pretty comfortable in uncomfortable on the snow.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Adventures in teething

There's a rumor Mathias has a lose tooth. He says it is. I can't feel any movement in it. I guess we'll find out in the next few days if it was a false alarm or if it is really happening.
Somewhere behind the stage, the tooth fairy is warming up...

Tuesday, February 07, 2012


If you look closely in amongst several blankets, the sleeping bag, three pillows, several stuffed animals, a couple of cats, and at least one book... there is a three year-old boy sleeping.
He looks comfortable.

Thursday, February 02, 2012


When the everyday business of life gets to be too much you can always strap on a homemade paper hat and proclaim:
-Happy Groundhog Day!
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