Monday, January 28, 2013

Pre-op checkup

Johan had a doctors appointment today. He passed with flying colors and has been cleared for surgery (I guess you're really cleared for anesthesia) on Friday.
He measured 41 inches and weighed 41 pounds. By those ratios I guess I ought to weigh in at 71 pounds, which is... close.
We're hopeful that getting the fluid drained out which be helpful to his speech.
The Friday appointment is at 6:15. I'm guessing not getting to eat breakfast won't be that big of a problem.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tubes - take II

On February 1st Johan will be getting his second round of tubes in his ears.  After failing the hearing test at Kindergarten screening he was referred to the ear doctor. And he had persistent fluid behind his ear drums. So it seems that up until recently he had diminished vision AND hearing. Poor guy. 
Surgery is never any fun but getting to hear somewhat normally again should be nice!

Friday, January 11, 2013

More monsters

Mathias has always enjoyed making things. A couple of months ago he took an afternoon class in clay sculpting. And now he's sculpting. He's making monsters, angry birds, and flowers. 
These would be some of the monsters. Scary! 

Monday, January 07, 2013

Monsters in 3D

During the Christmas break the boys and I took in Monsters Inc in 3D at the local cinema.  For the boys it was the excitement of not only going to the movies, which they don't do all that often, but also getting to wear funny glasses. By far the most exciting part was the previews for future movies that were actually made to be shown in 3D (meaning there were more flying objects seeming to come out of the screen at you).  We're going to have to do this again!

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Winter racing

Santa Claus set the boys up with a snow racer to add some fun to the winter slopes. It is somewhat reminiscing of the similar sled dad had in his youth. I wonder what ever happened to that sled? Racing down the hill also gave Johan the opportunity to test out the helmet and goggles that go with his new skis. 

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