Monday, June 10, 2013

The tree house

Johan the other day decided he wanted to build a tree house. Being independent he wanted to build it by himself which meant that he spent most of his time gathering tools and boards. Midway through the project he decided that the reason he didn't make enough progress was because he didn't have a blue-print. 
So he made one (the bottom picture - I even got to be in it!). With that as a guide he put a board on a tree and called it the living room. Then Ericka and I came over for a party. 

Wednesday, June 05, 2013


And just like that, Mathias' year in kindergarten was over!
If that wasn't the fastest nine months in history!

Mathias has come along way since kindergarten began.  
In particular, he learned to read.
Next stop: first grade!  

Monday, June 03, 2013

The year-end field trip

The kindergarten class took a two-part field trip.
The first half of the day was spent at the MN Children's museum.  The afternoon they were running around at the Como Zoo.   Apparently the big hit of the trip was playing with conveyor belts at the museum, closely followed by the always popular maze of water tubes. 
For easy identification in a crowd, all the kindergartners wore orange shirts. That made it easy to spot the kids in your particular class. For picking out your own kid amongst the classmates became more of a "Where's Waldo?" kind of exercise! 
Ericka was kind enough to chaperon the affair. I think she came home much more tired than the kids. 

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