Monday, September 30, 2013
Turning a half-decade also comes with some of its own baggage... The five-year doctors appointment is a big one. In addition to regular doctor's visit stuff they had him draw a picture to demonstrate motor skills. Johan does not have the same artistic aspirations as his brother when it comes to drawing. He's more of a drama guy...
The five-year appointment also comes with no less than three shots. He handled the shots much better than I did at that age. The saving grace was that instead of a fourth shot for his flu vaccine he received that in a nose spray form.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Boys day out
Friday Johan had his six-month checkup on his ear tubes. After spending about five minutes at the doctor's office, we had the rest of the day to do whatever we wanted.
We went for coffee (well I had coffee and Johan had a cup of milk) and a pastry. We stopped by and visited mom at work. We went to the movies and saw Planes (we were the only ones in the theater - weekday matinees are great!). Then we headed downtown Minneapolis and rode some escalators and finished the day with Izzy's Ice cream.
Tomorrow Johan has his five-year checkup with this regular doctor. That day will be nothing like this one!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Party like you're 5!
Like the past two years before we celebrated Johan's birthday at Rebecca Park. Johan and about 10 little friends climbed, slid, and played to build up an appetite for hot dogs and cake. The current infatuation is Curious George which showed up on the cake, his clothing, cards, gift wrap, presents, etc. His friends were very generous to him and everyone had fun.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Friday night lights
Friday was homecoming in our small town. With Mathias, now being in first grade, is a bona fide member of the student section (and we joined him) for the football game. The boys and Ericka donned their Tiger wear and cheered their loudest to help the hometown team trounce the Waconia Wildcats.
Go Tigers!
Monday, September 09, 2013
5! (how did that happen?!)
The past half-decade is a bit of a blur. Somehow, all of a sudden, Johan is five years old. Someone said about raisin kids: the days are long but the years are short. No kidding!
Johan was very excited about his birthday. At breakfast this morning he kept asking if he was really five years old now. Technically he won't be for another hour but who were we to rein in his enthusiasm.
Today we celebrated by bringing in cupcakes for day care. It was late enough in the afternoon that Mathias, back from school, could participate and help serve cakes. After dinner - pancakes requested by the birthday boy - he opened his presents and spent the evening playing with them. He's a lucky little boy with lots of friends being very generous to him.
Sunday, September 08, 2013
Movie in the park
The elementary school wrapped up the first week of school by showing Wreck it Ralph on the lawn outside the classrooms. After a long week we parked ourselves on a blanket to take in some animated entertainment on a huge inflatable screen. When it finished it was way past bedtime but we got to sleep in Saturday morning.
Wednesday, September 04, 2013
First grade!
Kindergarten was fun and Mathias learned a ton. But when it comes to schooling starting first grade is a whole new level. Maybe that can be said for every new grade. But it feels like school now starts for real. Ericka, Johan and I went to see him off at the bus. As luck would have it, his pal Max is in the same class which makes everything easier.
He'll bee in good hands with Mrs Kerns for the 2013/2014 school year (which I'm sure will be over in a flash).
Monday, September 02, 2013
Summer 2013 - sleeping on the ground
We have spent a couple of the last weekends of summer camping nearby. For the last hurrah of summer break we spent Labor Day in a tent. The boys very much enjoy it (although they like bringing the comforts of home with them while roughing it). Besides playing with cars (surprise) they rode their bikes around, played on the beach, fished (didn't catch anything), and roasted S'mores.
We're inching closer to back-camping!
Summer 2013 - running & sweating
Both Mathias and Johan participated in the local soccer club this summer.
Compared to last year, Mathis was much more engaged and eager to play. He said he really enjoyed it and wants to do it again next year.
Johan, on the other hand, did not seem to have a great time. When asked he would tell you he had fun. But he would also tell you he doesn't want to do it again. This might have been a case of following his big brother's footsteps just because...