Sunday, February 22, 2015

Introduction to hockey

Johan had the opportunity to try his hand at hockey this weekend!
The local hockey organization put on an event inviting little kids to try their hand on the ice.  They had recruited a small army of high school hockey players so the newbies had plenty of assistance. Johan had a terrific time on the ice eagerly cheered on by his brother from the sidelines.
The writing is on the wall that we'll be spending ever more time on the benches of the arena, slightly chilled, while watching the boys practice their wrist shots. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

100 days of kindergarten

Johan, and the rest of his classmates, just polished off day 100 of kindergarten!  As usual we find ourselves wondering where those days went? But I'm sure the remaining roughly one third of the school year will really drag on for a long time, right?!
Anyway, Johan is enjoying his days at school (a good thing as he has a few years to go). He is making good progress on learning to read and venturing into the wide world of numbers - along with plenty of play time!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Skating at Mariucci!

The local Mites had the opportunity to skate at Mariucci arena this weekend! 
For outsiders, that's where the University of Minnesota plays hockey. Even though there were 10,000 empty seats in the arena it was quite the sight to see! Mathias mixed it up a little bit by trading his regular yellow hockey jersey for a different one, compliments of Farmor & Farfar. The different color made it easier to keep track of him! 
Goldie Gopher, the U of MN mascot, also made an appearance and played with the kids.  The local hockey rink seems smaller than usual today! 

Monday, February 02, 2015

Ice cream and art

The local kindergartners had an art exhibition of sorts at the local ice cream shop. Their work was displayed all over the shop for a few days. Each class chose their own theme. Johan's class went with 'The Four Seasons'.  We, of course, had to go check out his contribution (and eat a cone since we were already there). I wonder how the ice cream shop came up with this idea? The pictures below show Johan with his masterpiece. We especially likes his use of impasto resembling the artistic style of Van Gogh! You could slide in a picture of Daubigny's Garden and they would seamlessly merge! 

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