Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Out for a stroll

After a few weeks of practicing standing up while holding on to stationary objects, Johan has graduated to objects that don't necessarily cooperate. He is doing fairly well given that while holding on to the back of the trike the front does whatever it wants...

Still no teeth...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First day of fall

Fall is finally here! You know what that means: all remaining summer photos are 50% off!
These are perfectly viable shots that never made it into a blog post while it was still warm outside. Now that the leaves are turning, this is your last chance to hang on to the fleeting summer of 2009! Get 'em before they're gone!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Soap bubbles the size of a Volkswagen

Earlier this summer, some good friends endowed us with a bottle of soap bubble mix made by a company in Minneapolis. As far as I can tell, the mix is made from water, soap and super glue... It makes some amazingly large bubbles! The boys are having a lot of fun with it, especially M, who can run after the bubbles and 'pop' them.

Although I can't help thinking that in order to really appreciate a monster soap bubble one must have spent some time blowing old-fashioned ones. To the boys this is a bit like bypassing the old clunker Ford and getting a Bentley when getting your driver's license... I feel I should enlighten them by yet another anecdote beginning with: Let me tell you about when I was a kid, we didn't have..." I'm sure they will love it!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Chubby Checker

A happy boy doing his best imitation of the twist...

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


What a day to turn one year old!
For all these years - I hadn't noticed up until now - that my birthdays all fell on dates that completely lacked symmetry! Should I really have celebrated?!

Nevermind. Johan turned one today! Congratulations!
Grandma and Grandpa were here last week and left yesterday. But we had an early start to the celebration with a cake Farmor made. When Johan was done with his piece it seems most of it was either on the floor, on his hands, or on his face... But you can't go wrong with whipped cream!

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